My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Winter should be Winter

You know what I hate?  When the seasons aren’t honest with themselves.  I know we have crazy winters here that oscillate between warm winters and cool summers but this year is ridiculous.  It’s been around 60 degrees for about the past week.  It might make it to 70 today.

I mean, I’m grateful that I’m not trapped, sweating it out on the bike trainer inside, but it’s just weird.  The timing is also good because I signed up for Bike Virginia yesterday.  This year’s course looks to be a little easier than last year but it’s still going to be several hundred miles through the hills!  In this regard, I’m thankful that the weather is nice so that I can train outdoors.

However, We all know what’s coming though: the blizzard that will be here in a couple of weeks is only now beginning to form around the North Pole.  It isn’t on any weather map yet but we all know it’s coming…..mother nature will make us pay….oh yes she will…


  1. Jessica Reistad

    February 1, 2012 at 8:25 am

    It’s nice to hear you’re getting your normal life back a little – I’m lazy, so I’ll just drop the ragtop on the car and enjoy, I may cruise some back roads too. Hope you take the time for a good long ride, you’ve made a lot of inroads – savor them.

  2. I thought having to mow the yard the first weekend in January was strange enough – there were places where the grass was growing giving an uneven look across the yard. And now, there are places where grass is once more growing.

  3. I am not complaining. Not one bit. We are all wood for heat (Pellets and Split Logs), and it looks like we’re well covered for the remainder of the winter. I am training for a marathon, and appreciate that my schedule hasn’t been derailed by a storm. The winter garden is doing nicely, so I’ll have some nice early vegetables soon, and the greens have been fantastic. The only drawback I see is we will most likely have a very buggy summer.

  4. I liked the change of seasons and my winters cold but I do enjoy low gas bills and not having to search for the matching mitten when trying to get the kids to school on time.

  5. Did anyone read the “What Do PWC Employees Make” article in MJM? It includes links to Manassas and the Schools. VERY interesting.

  6. Winter should be winter
    all people should have jobs
    schools should be much better
    let’s get rid of all the snobs!

    Winter should be winter
    all water should be wine
    if everything was better
    then all would be just fine!

    But today winter is not winter
    and the water is not wine
    so it’s up to us to make things better
    Perhaps May elections will make things fine.

  7. a standing OVATION to our Poet in Residence – Rich

  8. Bravo, Rich. I will join Ray in the stand “O”.

  9. I’ve been drinking too much coffee. Also burning off residual adrenaline….

  10. Hi Andy! Normally I like the change of seasons too, but after last year’s winter, I’ve been pretty happy with the mild temperatures we have been having. With all of my family issues, it has certainly made my unexpected trips to Raleigh so much easier. I hope it holds out at least through Feb since I have a couple more to go.

    My biker brother has been loving it up in IN. He is training for the Assault on Mt. Mitchell in May. Maybe you should go and give him a run for his money. I hear it’s supposed to be a killer.

  11. I agree, when it’s supposed to be cold, it should be cold, etc. At this rate, to make up for all of the above average warm days, we’ll still have to wear coats in May.

  12. I keep pondering if the reason for no snow is I went out in early Fall and replaced the two snowshovels that were old and not doing a decent job. Think I offended the Snow King.

  13. I guess Global Warming has its upside. Never have been a big proponent( and I say that professionally,) but never in my life have I seen such warm tempertures in January. The cold air must be somewhere. It is sure to show up here sometime. I do like being able to go out for a run without freezing my lungs.

  14. Well – here I go, I’m beginning to feel like a giant fun-sucker on Andy’s blog… the more I get involved in this whole local school-politics scene the more confused I am.

    I’m confounded at the lack of transparency in the schools, there’s a different answer to every questions from person to person. But, since I’m totally ignorant on this whole thing. Maybe you seasoned folks can answer some questions… I was told, by two independent people, that a School Board member, up for re-election, was up at OHS asking staff to sign his petition. This seems inappropriate to me – one staffer told me they signed because it was too intimidating not to.

    So, what’s up with that? Also, why do we turn a blind eye to issues, like school directors getting DWI’s and no one seems to blink. Are we so used to bad behavior, like awesome, no pedophile here… so what the hey? Help a simpleton like me, k?

    My pea-brain is throbbing.

  15. A “school director”? What’s that?

  16. Winters of discontent that are manipulated into a glorious summers are often short-lived. Sounds like an old Charlie Chan movie, but the roots are in Shakespeare’s Richard III and the shakeup in leadership portrayed there. I hope all decisions – city manager, elections, school super, are measured ones. Bring back critical thinking to our public schools. Community is people – everyone get involved.

  17. Note that in FY2010-11 snow removal and items related to it cost the
    City of Manassas close to a million dollars. Hopefully, we won’t approach
    that in FY2011-12.

  18. Ray. I may have one better, last year I replaced my old clunker with a new 4×4 truck. Still waiting for a nice snow to take it out and play.

  19. Has there ever really been a single proponent FOR global warming? Professional or otherwise? They didn’t make it clear in their fossil record, but maybe the dinosaurs …

  20. School director:
    Director of Testing
    Director of Special Education
    Director of GT

  21. @ Andy – Tenacity covered it, thank you.

    @ Cindy, you are far more articulate than I, and always so positive, thank you.

    @ Steve O. and J. Knoxville, SNORT, slow… dawning…

    maybe I should have used a cool other name before I started commenting, sheesh, I’m so NOT a rocket surgeon.

    So, back to the weather…

  22. Although Puxaatony Phil says 6 more weeks of winter…if it’s like this I’ll take it. If all winters were like this, I would seriously reconsider my move south. JUST FYI ST…not for a long time, so don’t get your hopes up! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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