My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Not running for Mayor

First of all, thanks to everyone who has expressed support for me in such a capacity. I am honored. Indeed, I hope that one I day i can announce on my blog that I’m running for Mayor but today is not that day. My family and I have had this discussion in between Nutcracker practices over the past week and we have agreed that, whilst the family may be ready to march on Rome, our business is not.

See, the fundamental difference between the workload of the Mayor and a Council member is the Mayor has many more meetings in the middle of the day. I say “many more” as Council members have virtually no daytime meetings that they don’t have wide latitude with. My business, while moving forward and growing, is not yet to the point where I can devote a lot of daytime hours away from it. Frankly speaking, I’m not ready to do such a thing anyway. I’m a technology guy and it is what I love so I like the work quite a lot.

The health of the business is paramount. It provides for my family and, when I need time for researching Council initiatives, I can take the time to do it but that time is on my terms. This is, for now, far more comfortable for me and seems sensible. Thanks again to everyone who expressed support. I may be calling you in a couple of years!


  1. So who is running? And who is the “Harrover machine” supporting ?

  2. BB-
    Hal Parish will be our next Mayor — too conservative and cautious
    for my taste sometimes, but a smart, hard working and experienced
    guy. (Plus his family has been in local government for eighty years
    and his Dad left him a very nice campaign fund).
    Imagine Big Boss Andy, chomping on a large cigar, will snap
    his suspenders and direct the Harrover Machine to support Hal —
    this time around.

  3. BD-

    “Conservative and cautious” is just how I like my elected officials.

    And I am still waiting for the suspender snap from the smoke-filled back room at Harrover Hall. His Machine is idling, awaiting word….

  4. andy

    December 26, 2007 at 10:30 pm


  5. andy

    December 26, 2007 at 10:32 pm

    Haven’t seen the harrover machine around here lately…the machine is probably in the garage.

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