Change in life is inevitable.  I also tend to think life without change would be unbearable.  I know it would be for me.  Perspective and exposure to new ideas are crucial to the process.  photoThe most productive period in one's life is short – 15 years or so?  Not that the other parts aren't productive but the part where you somewhat understand how the world works and how to move stuff along.  Maintaining that sense, that perspective is important.  I don't really like traveling all that much but "seeing how other people do it" is more efficient than re-creating the wheel.  Honestly I'm not sure what the preceding has to do with the subject but I like it so I'll leave it.

For both my family and myself this will be a long fall season of "Lasts".  I'm transitioning off the City Council and my daughter is a senior at Osbourn.  Our family has had our "last first day" of school.  I've had my last "first fall meeting" on the Council.  It is tremendously exciting but all tinged with equal parts energy and sadness.  I'm more excited for my kid – "going off to college" is the ultimate life changer.  I'm sure I'll miss her and I'll miss that predictable school schedule where the whole family ends up under one roof at night.  I'll also miss having her around in the afternoon to help with the house!  To further bring that fact home, we met with the "college guy" over at OHS a couple of days ago.  His name is Mr. Gilligan – if your kid is at OHS and he/she is going to college, you should talk to this guy!  I thought he was outstanding.  In the college process, I'm trying to be helpful without bringing too much pressure to bear.  How successful I am in that probably depends on  who you ask but in my defense I'd say that at least I'm aware of it!  

As for the Council stuff, I'm enjoying sitting out the election.  I was chatting with a former elected official and he told me "once you're out of office, you'll resent anyone who wants you to leave your house at night".  I'm close enough to being out of office that I can see and understand that now.  I don't know that I would refuse to go out to dinner but I'll be pretty selective about what I do.  I know I'll miss the fraternity of folks that I served with but I really don't think the nostalgia will last long for the job itself.  I enjoy serving but it will be a relief to dedicate the mental energy from what has become a frustrating endeavor to other pursuits that may provide more dividends.  

Next up will our first college application and my last 5-year forecast meeting!!