My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Election Results

This is a bit of an odd exercise but I'm writing this the day before the election and will publish it after the election so I don't have any idea what's going to happen but I do know this:  Bill Bolling would have won this thing in a walk.  He would have made Terry look a fool.  However, for the republican party in Virginia, politics seems to have become more about the journey than the destination.  It's a bit of a reflection of what we see happening in Washington.  Everyone wants to make a point.  The republicans seem to have believed that if they just nominated a "fearless conservative" or a "straight talker" that everyone would get the point.  Well, the phone rang and nobody answered as the polls have T-Mac slightly ahead or even.  Worse, all T-mac has to do is not be Cuccinelli.  Political movements, parties and factions all require 2 things in order to "make a point": electoral victories and legislative victories.  Republicans in Virginia appear close to having neither.

The theme for this election should have been easy.  Even though Governor Bob is now desperate to avoid indictment, he had the theme for his election spot on: "Bob's for Jobs" – kitchen table issues.  Sounds simplistic but when things are going to hell, Congress looks like two drunks in a mud-wrestling pit and nobody knows what is going to happen with health insurance this was easy.  Vaginal ultrasounds and abortion were only ever going to motivate 20% of the electorate.  The rest may or may not be pro life but in uncertain times, people seek leadership that speaks to their problems. 

This isn't a bolt from the blue but the fact is that Governors in VA get elected by being able to run towards the middle and appeal to that large swath of voters in the middle.  The argument that someone as conservative as Cuccinelli can't get elected is hogwash.  Our current Governor had to fight that "too conservative" label – anyone remember his thesis from Regents University?  Pretty outlandish.  Governor Bob is every bit as conservative as Cuccinelli but when he ran for Governor, he ran on kitchen table issues and left the social issues on the side.  Indeed, his election shows that even if people thought he was too conservative his priorities were those he shared with all of his fellow Virginians.  Mr. Cuccinelli can make no such argument.

In addition, T-Mac is an awful candidate.  Never held elected office, party hack, money man, questionable business activities and he just seems like a carpet bagger.  He would be trounced by a more moderate candidate but it's going to be close.  Either way, you know what they call the person that wins a gubernatorial election by 1 vote?  Governor.


  1. The Washington Post had a very interesting article on the voting at this last election. It showed the area's of the state voting red and the area's voting blue. The red color was over the vast majority of the state and the blue was in the major population ares's. Northern Virginia, Richmond, Roanoke and Tidewater gave the Dems the election. Area wise, it appeared that 15% were blue and 85% were red. Maybe it was 20/80 but I think you get my point. This is how an ultra consertive can get the nomination but not get elected. The Republician Party needs to address this as this won't be the last time this will occur. 

  2. Cuccinelli often spoke about how he would create 58,000 jobs, eliminate tax loop holes, and give breaks to small businesses to stimulate the economy.  Those are pretty "kitchen table" issues if you ask me.  McAuliffe was the one not Ken that relentlessly brought up the false claims of Cuccinelli's "war on women."  Whether that worked to his disadvantage or not is debatable, but Ken intentionally chose to not personally defend those allegations initially for a variety of reasons (much to the chargrin of his base), but did so likely to appeal more to the middle that you think was required. 

  3. andy

    November 7, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    you can't undo years of evidence (and a book) with 6 weeks of talking points.  Governor Bob, when he was AG, did his job and mostly left the social stuff alone.  He got himself a conservative establishment LG running mate and away he went.  What did Ken do when he got into the AG office?  Who were his running mates?


  4. "did his job and mostly left the social stuff alone"  Well said
      For me  the key to victory in my opinion
    Lower taxes
    Job creation
    Leave the social stuff alone, if you take a hard stand on this, you're going to alienate half the electorate
    Again just my opinion

  5. Let's not forget about trimming the size of government. I think we have more government than we can afford at all levels local, state and federal.

  6. Mo:
    You know you can't throw something like this out and not get a response.  On the local level if you really want to cut expenses, you have to cut employees.  Our main cost centers are police, fire, rescue and public works.  What do you recommend we cut?  
    Allow me a moment on the soap box:  Our taxes in Manassas are low but we pay a price in that we don't compare all that well with our neighbors.  We don't even do the easy, smart stuff.  We don't have parks and rec – a pretty typical strategy to engage young folks and help reduce idle time and keep them out of trouble.  Result would be lower crime, reduced jail costs and fewer police officers.  Should those kids parents be keeping them out of trouble?  Sure but many come from single parent famalies so mom is probably at work.  Do I like it?  hell no but you have to govern the citizens that are here, not the ones you wish were here.

  7. Andy,
    There are parts of City government that are required by state and federal laws. The state and the feds want these things but then they require the localities to provide them and fund them. I don't think this should be allowed. If the state or feds want to require a service it should be up to them to fund that service. I've heard you complain many times about unfunded mandates.

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