My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

National Guard Deployment

The NG unit based (partially) in Manassas – the 266th MP unit had its shipping out ceremony today.  The City Council and Mayor were there as was the Governor.  I’ve seen many of these things on TV and you can get some sense of how difficult a time this is for family members but there is really nothing like being there.  Everyone tries to keep a stiff upper lip but its tough for a young mother who has a little one on her hip and another by the hand or the family seeing their young son or daughter go off to war.

Watching those families go through that ceremony was one of the toughest things I’ve done lately.  They have my respect and admiration.   I hope they all return safely.


  1. Thank you so much for attending the ceremony Andy. I was unable to attend due to work, but I wish I was there to support them. I know the troops and their families appreciate every bit of support they can get.

  2. CitizenofManassas

    October 9, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    God Bless our troops for their service to our Nation. It is a shame timmy was able to get some of the spotlight given that he supports obama who insults our troops on a regular basis.

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