My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

A Pox On Both Your Houses

The most out of control comic when I was a kid was Richard Pryor. Steve Martin was probably the most popular and I had his first album but Pryor was far too profane and out of control for my parents to allow me to buy his stuff. Nonetheless, I did manage to listen to some of his stuff here and there (remember, no internet then!). I liked Steve Martin and he was funny but there’s something intensely personal about Pryor’s comedy. I don’t know that I would have characterized it that way when I was a kid but in retrospect that was it. Indeed, when I saw Pryor interviewed years ago he was asked why people were so drawn to his work. His reply was simple and insightful: “It’s the truth. The best standup comedy is either all or mostly true.” I agree entirely with that.

The reason I mention that is this headline from the Onion: Congress Continues Debate Over Whether Or Not Nation Should Be Economically Ruined

I understand the passions on both sides.  Hell, if I was king, I would enact most of what the conservatives want and leave Mr. Reid and Mr. Obama to twist in the wind but due to some electoral oversight, I’m not.  Nobody is.  That means compromise and leadership.  So far, it’s in short supply and we will suffer terribly if somebody doesn’t grab the wheel and steer the ship.

While the issues here in Manassas are somewhat simpler, the charge to govern is the same.  Like it or not, electeds are charged with governing and that means you have to deal with the issues as they arise.  Sure, it’s difficult to vote to settle a lawsuit for half a million bucks but if it’s going to cost $300k just to get to trial and the potential award is estimated to be $300-$700k plus lawyers fees then you settle!  The debt limit impasse is the same.  It’s time to govern boys, put on your big boy pants and get over yourselves.  America needs your leadership and the best path to reelection is to provide it.


  1. Raymond Beverage

    July 26, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    The Onion continues to show there is always truth in sarcasm.

  2. The problem with the “big boys” in Washington is they can’t accept not taking credit or blame, and always have to play politics, all the while saying they need to stop playing politics. The solution is very simple, cut spending in every agency and program, etc. End stupid subsidies and get rid of tax loop holes. Most importantly, Congress must follow through on the spending cuts.

    The “rich” according to obama and the liberals should pay their fair share. However, what they leave out of course is the amount of taxes the “rich” already pay. If I’m not mistaken something like the top 20% of earners pay somewhere near 80% of the total income taxes paid. And, yet obama and the liberals act as if the “rich” are getting a free ride and have not paid their fair share. It’s just class warfare to them, and nothing more. The bottom 50% pay nothing in the end, so where should more of the burden be placed? On those already paying a lot, or on those not paying anything? The “rich” can hand over all of their earnings and it still will not make cover the debt we have.

    obama and the liberals say the GOP want to prevent kids from going to college and seniors from getting medical help. More class warfare. Social secuirty and Medicare are the two largest expedentures the Federal Government has. Without some sort of reform to both programs, there is not going to be a debt solution and there will be neither program in twenty years. But, obama and the liberals would rather just play politics then to come up with a solution. The Federal Government took in a couple of billion dollars last year. They should be able to come up with a budget that does not exceed that figure.

  3. COM, agreed, and it’s good to see you back around!

  4. Frankly, if it weren’t for the freshmen Congressmen and women in the House, this would’ve been settled long ago and we’d increase the debt ceiling to a gazillion dollars and ask for only $1.98 in cuts! The leadership, the Senate and the President wish they’d all go away. The national debt is expected to increase to 73% of GDP by 2012, the highest since the end of WWII as the nation was winding down from the huge military expenditures. The fault lies with the President for basically singing the same tune for months. He’s reckless! If he stops sending entitlement checks after August 2, that is his choice and purely a political maneuver. So this is serious and they should demand AT LEAST over a trillion dollars in cuts over 10 ten years with reform of SS and Medicare within 5 years or we don’t raise the debt limit. (Remember the deficit this year alone is expected to be $1.5 trillion!)

  5. I don’t know that the President is reckless but I do know this: he’s no leader. Why anyone is surprised that he has no plan is beyond me. He didn’t lead on any of his “signature” issues (stimulus, health care) and he won’t lead on this. He’ll sit in the WH and call some more press conferences. He should get off his rear-end, put a plan out there and fight for it – the country needs a huge change to get us back on the right track for the next generation and those kinds of changes require leadership from the White House, not press conferences. The budget needs to be cut by trillions.

    As for the entitlement checks, I think the gov’t will have to make choices about who gets paid and who doesn’t if there isn’t a deal. I’d be surprised if bond holders are stiffed.

    For all of those out there (not throwing rocks at Dave here) who believe that “this is simple – the gov’t should conduct its affairs just like we do around our kitchen table” well, you’re about to see exactly what that means if there’s no debt deal and I don’t think you’ll like it. The concepts may be simple but the nuts and bolts of this aren’t – never were and never will be.

  6. In my opinion, no one is showing leadership except for the Gang of Six. They just need to pull one more person into that bipartisan posse to roundhouse kick this can home. That’s right. Chuck Norris. You heard me.

  7. I appreciate the sentiment underlying a pox on both their houses, and also about the “big boy”s in Washington, but then I see comments confined to “obama and the liberals.” If there is a problem with the big boys in both houses, who are the jerks on the side opposite obama and the liberals? I infer, maybe incorrectly, a bit of convenient tightrope walking here. Intellectual honesty is importent.

  8. Thanks Andy.. It’s been a busy summer.

  9. Steve Randolph

    July 28, 2011 at 7:51 am

    Yes, sometimes the only choice is between “bad and worse”.

  10. andy

    July 28, 2011 at 8:04 am

    That’s an interesting article Steve. Somehow I don’t think Obama will offer a compromise bill if House and Senate fail.

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