My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Page 129 of 403

24 Hours of Booty

Bike Manassas has formed a team for an event called the 24 hours of Booty.  Here’s our team page if you want to help!!  It’s a 24 hour bike ride that raises money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.  We’ve got about 6 guys and I think we’re ready for action.  Some of the guys have been training pretty strong.  My training has been hampered by a broken toe, blistering heat and, more importantly, a very busy schedule at work.  I’ve laid off the extra curricular Council stuff in favor of business.  Matrix makes it all possible after all.  However, I’ve been out there daily the past few weeks so I’m feeling ok (if too fat) but might have to take some breaks.  The ride is this Saturday, starts at 2 and goes for 24 hours.  Yes, we’ll be riding in the dark too.

Of course, into each life a little rain must fall.  That’s right, Irene is going to pay us a visit this weekend.  I don’t mind riding in the rain.  It’s gritty and, if it’s really raining like hell, it can be hard to see but overall as long as the temperature isn’t too low, it isn’t a huge deal.  The problem with a tropical system will be the wind and severe weather.  Severe weather is simple: you don’t ride.  Wind is tougher.  Since the Booty ride is a 2 mile loop we could have several hundred people of varying skill levels riding around in high winds.  That won’t be fun.  Wind has more impact on bikes than you might imagine.  Head winds just make you work harder but cross winds can really move the bike around and that can lead to crashes.

The plan, as it stands now, is to go over there and see what shakes out.  I’ll ride for awhile in the rain but high winds will result in early termination.  There is a tent village but I’ve kept my options open and reserved a hotel room right around the corner….wish us luck!

Open Thread

Have at it.

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