My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Category: Bikes (page 5 of 16)

Bike Virginia – Part 1

Bike Virginia is a multi-day event featuring rides of many different lengths and difficulties.  This year’s edition was a five-day marathon located in and around the greater Blacksburg area with a maximum distance of about 350 miles if you rode the max everyday.  Climbing was assured – this area is several thousand feet higher than Manassas and there is not much flat area there.  So, I signed up!  What could go wrong?

After taking a harder look at the website the next day, I almost researched the possibility of getting a refund – there’s a lot of climbing in them hills but I resolved to go forth and climb.

In order to participate in Bike Virginia I did a fair amount of riding – 30 miles most days.  I tried to include all of the hilly areas in the City and PWC.  The Parkway trail has 3 decent hills on it.  I rode them almost every day and pushed as hard as I could.  I attacked the hills with a high-cadence approach (fancy bike words for “pedal fast”).  I had seen Lance Armstrong and other pro’s use this approach so that seemed like a good idea and it worked for those hills.  I spun the distance up over the weeks as best as work and Council would allow.  I had originally wanted to go up to Skyline drive to train but never got there.  Just didn’t have time.

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Bike Virginia Prep

Well, at this point the training levels are what they are.  I feel like I’m at least 10 lbs too heavy but that’s life.  The stuff I ordered last week off the internet has all shown up in good ordere with the exception of my extra bike shorts.

I felt like I needed 3 pairs for that much riding so I ordered another pair from REI online.  These shorts are from Izumi and are designed to keep you cool.  I wasn’t sure I believed that – they’re black – but they have a mesh towards the top!  Yeehaw.  I got back from my “break in” ride and Sarah said “those shorts look like they have a hole in them!”  I looked knowingly at her and said, “no honey, that’s a mesh.  They’re designed to keep you cool!”…silly woman.  She held up my shorts with her finger through a hole in the seam that runs right down your butt and said “that’s an interesting scheme…”

So, like I don’t have enough to do I had to miss the Republican meeting last night and blast down to REI to get those replaced.  REI is a great outfit.  Good prices online – not the best but good – and the help in the stores is first-rate.  Plus, that retail area down by the FFX government center is really great.  Several good restaurants, a theatre and some cool stores.  I’ve also got to get my Drivers license renewed – it expires this weekend and get the car serviced before that drive…I need a full-time assistant…:)

I’ll go for another decent ride today and tomorrow and then it’s off to Blacksburg for Bike Virginia.  We’ll play it by ear after that.  Oh, the BikeManassas website was ripped apart last night and re-done into a blog like this one.  It’s still under construction but there is an update on there about the last bikemanassas meeting.

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