My Side of the Fence

The danger isn't going too far. It's that we don't go far enough.

Category: Schools (page 5 of 17)

Revenue Sharing

First of all, Merry Christmas!  I did manage to survive the Mayans and "Duck Dynasty" is all caught up on!  I'm not sure why but I love that show.  Some of my fraternity brothers from back in the day totally remind me of those guys.  It's also hard to believe that those guys have managed to make themselves rich selling duck calls.  Who knew there was such a market!  I also watched an episode or two of "Shah's of Sunset" about an Iranian enclave in LA.  That show's beyond trashy but, growing up, we had some family friends who were Iranian.  30 years after and the kids in that show still remind me of our friends.  Couldn't stomach more than an episode tho. 

In any event, nothing brings out the Christmas cheer like a good old-fashioned public policy debate so gather 'round the hearth and grab some Egg Nogg!  Lets have a quick discussion before Uncle Joe gets drunk and starts a fight with half the family!  Ha! Ha! Ain't Christmas with the family grand!

There is, in the wide world, much discussion and concern about the "revenue sharing agreement".  The revenue sharing agreement indicates the schools will receive a fixed percentage of all General Fund revenue.  Recall that General Fund represents a specific subset of tax revenue and there's a longer discussion here.  We share 58.5% of General Fund revenue with the schools.  When I was first elected the percentage was about 56%.  We increased the percentage when we removed money from the General Fund for the Fire levy so that the amount of money going to the schools was about the same.  It was a pretty fair thing to do at the time.  Now, I'ma give you the pro's, con's and then what I think.  Actually the pro's and con's are also what I think but I'll attempt a neutral view….so, before the yule log runs out:

Pro's:  The following items are generally described as positive attributes of the agreement: 

1.  Keeps the peace: back in the bad old days the SB and Council passed separate budgets and then fought it out over how much money the schools would get.  Council chambers would be packed with citizens, teachers and children.  This was a combative process that many felt was counter-productive and kept the boards from working together.

2.  "It's about right": the argument has been made that the historical average of appropriations was somewhere in the middle 50% range.  Why bother dickering over 1% and enduring the long meetings and acrimony for such a small difference?  It's a distraction, fuhgetaboutit.

3.  When revenue increases come to the General Fund, they flow through to the schools.  It is reasonable that the costs for both organizations, absent some fiscal anomaly, increase naturally over time.  Raw materials and labor rarely get cheaper.  Also, more residents will mean more staff, especially when you undergo a demographic shift as we have experienced.

Con's: The following are identified as con's.  Some are just "inverse arguments":

1.  Removes "accountability" from the Council for the schools budget.  The argument goes that the Council is more accountable if they have to plow through the school budget at a finer level of detail.

2.  Removes the notion of a true "needs based budget" being presented.  After all, if the SB is just getting a split of the money doesn't it preclude an honest discussion of need?

3.  Gives the schools too much money.  They don't have to justify anything, just hold their hand out.

4.  Gives the schools too little money.

5.  Removes any push for more critical review – "who cares?  We're getting 58%!"


There are a couple of other arguments and, doubtless, someone will post some examples but these seem to be the main ones.  Now, here's what I think:

The revenue sharing agreement has to go….but not this year….before you start howling that I'm kicking the can down the road allow me the following:  it's too late in the budget process this year and there are way too many moving parts.  The Council has given no guidance (well $0) on how much they might be inclined to spend on CIP projects, you have a new Superintendent and City Manager who are working together trying to get budgets done, strategic plans finalized and build a coherent CIP.  Oh, and they both are working to gain a deeper understanding of their respective organizations.

I think the agreement needs to be eliminated in time for next year's budget season and here's why:  the agreement suppresses a very natural and necessary tension between the schoolboard and the Council.  This tension manifests itself in several ways not the least of which would be a healthy debate each year over the needs of the schools.  "Needs" means money.  I think that, no matter how painful, we need to have the discussion and the public needs to be more fully involved.  Those of you that rub your hands with glee at the prospect of getting our hands on the schools budget need to consider carefully.  There are restrictions in VA code about how deeply the Council might become involved in SB budgeting.  I've read the law and there is more control but it's at a pretty high level.  This move also makes the construction of the budget far more political.  I know, seems hard to imagine, but imagine a "Schools constituency" that is fully motivated instead of completely sidelined.  I don't look forward to sitting through public hearings with a line of people out the door but the agreement unnaturally sidelines one of the most important groups of people in the City: parents.  If you don't believe that, you've never been to a City budget hearing.  There are 10 people there usually.  Half of them are staff.  There are those that would rather keep that group on the sideline and quiet – after all, if they aren't involved there isn't more pressure to provide additional funding for the schools but I've come to the conclusion that we can't get to Great Schools without making this a community-wide debate and the underpinning of everything the Council does is the budget.  The schools might get more money or they might get less – we all pay for this enterprise – but it's time to kick this artifact to the curb and sort out the needs of the community and the schools.


Copyright 2012 Andrew Harrover. No part of this work may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the author.

Schools 100-Day Report

One of my friends over on the PWC Board is traveling over in Germany.  I follow him on Facebook and, when he's traveling, he posts quite a bit.  Just any neat stuff.  He found a locality over there that's obviously trying to reinvent itself and they're using the slogan "Change doesn't start with a maybe".  My personal favorite slogan is "the danger isn't going too far, it's that we don't go far enough".  They're both good slogans that reflect a significant difference in approach.  Not that my favorite slogan is some sort of war-cry but the German version is a shade more genteel.  It's probably a bit more useful for larger institutions.

These slogans are an apt metaphor for how I feel about the Superintendents 100-Day report.  Overall it was a well-delivered report that was carefully crafted.  The Superintendent has been on the job a couple of months but clearly sees the challenges.  But I wanted more.  I didn't want more content, as I indicated above, the presentation was well crafted and delivered by a professional.  No, I wanted more passion.  I wanted an Aveni-esque (apologies Marc) convention stemwinder.  Banging on the table while delivering a steely-eyed indictment of the whole mess followed by a path forward.  A demand.  Passion.  A barely contained energy that imbues others with an unyielding sense of purpose.  Ptichforks.  Torches.  I didn't get it.

No sireee…I didn't get it….and that's probably ok.  In fact, upon reflection, it's probably best.  My admiration of a good stemwinder notwithstanding, the job our Super has is a delicate one.  People, including me, need to be thoughtful about this when they comment.  There are no apt metaphors to the private sector.  Even if the good Doctor is inclined to start knocking off heads, she can't.  School employees are all under contract and were the day she started so her choices are stark: raise the game of your existing employees or plunge the entire institution into chaos by proclaiming that everything sucks but it'll be fixed next June.  And by fixed I mean we'll set up a guillotine in the parking lot and take a somewhat more aggressive approach to the matter….

Despite our differences in approach I think she made the right choice.  My child is in the City schools so I've met many of the teachers in those schools.  Certainly we have had a couple of teachers we didn't appreciate.  That's inevitable in any institution of more than about 2 people but the overwhelming majority of the teachers that we have met are dedicated professionals that just want a chance to succeed.  They need leadership (bozos must be ruthlessly excised from leadership positions) that will get them over the hump and on towards a success that the entire institution can share in.  My child's teachers push her hard.  She has a fair amount of homework that does not consist of copied sheets with checkboxes on them.  I believe our teachers are capable  pro's and that the Superintendent is capable of raising their game while planning a way forward that might involve some pain. 

A criticism I've heard from others is that the Superintendent's presentation didn't inventory the problems she found.  My thought in watching it was that she didn't dodge the issue but neither was it an inventory of troubles.  I expect there are several reasons for this but here's the main one:  it serves little purpose in the larger mission.  Certainly she needs to understand the problems but dwelling on them in public doesn't do much other than satisfy those looking to find fault anyway.  Why feed it? 

It won't be easy and it won't be immediate but I think we are finally finding a direction we can support.  I know I do.

Copyright 2012 Andrew Harrover.  No part of this work may be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the author.

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